Recent posts: Guido’s Lounge Cafe
Album Presentation: Guido’s Lounge Cafe, Vol 4 – Kissing The Sun (2015)
Album Presentation: Guido’s Lounge Cafe, Vol 4 – Kissing The Sun (2015)
Guido’s Lounge Cafe comes back with another collaboration with Ecstasy Records. This Summer is Magic! The new album “Kissing The Sun” Vol. 04 is in stores now and we will be presenting it fully next Monday, October 12th!!
This volume is an exclusive selection with only the finest tracks out there, please … don’t miss it! It Includes Artists such as:
Michael E, Jjos, Jeff Oster, Mo’jardo, Velvet Dreamer, Evolve, Euphonic Traveller, Miper, Roberto Bronco (feat. Wenawedwa), Paul Eerhart, James Rivas, Marie Therese ft. Magdalena Chovancova, Derek Mwenesi Ft Stuce The Sketch, El Petit Jardi and Counting Clouds.
Buy it on:
4 October 2015 BeatLounge Radio BL News Read more
Album presentation: “Kaleidoscope Of Colors” Vol. 01 by Guidos Lounge Cafe (Monday, Oct. 13)

Guido’s Lounge Cafe in collaboration with Ecstasy records! A Perfect Lounge & Bar Selection with “Kaleidoscope of Colors”
Available at Stores: August 25, 2014
Incl. Artists like: Marie Therese, Marga Sol, Lemongrass feat. Jane, Maximova, Pier O feat. Mia Lemar, Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller, Guido’s Lounge Cafe, etc… and many more!
ON AIR: MONDAY OCTOBER 3 (repeats 3 times throughout the day)
1 Jennifer Hannah-Murphy – Tuesday Afternoon (Original Mix)
2 Marie Therese – Right Now (Original Mix)
3 Marga Sol – Goodbye (Original Mix)
4 Lemongrass, Jane Maximova – Deep River (Original Mix)
5 Vono Box – La Planete (Original Mix)
6 Arthur Rong – Snow Queen (Original Mix)
7 Sannan – Bluetone (Original Mix)
8 Mia Lemar, Pier O – Red Sunset (Original Mix)
9 Doc Luv Jones – Tomatoes That Kill (Original Mix)
10 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller – A la Luna (Euphonic Traveller Remix)
11 Gary Openhill – Cafe Balearic (Original Mix)
12 Michiko – Rock & Roll (Original Mix)
13 Sean Byrd – Dusk Lounge (Original Mix)
14 Pat Lajoie – Native Dancer (Mix 2)
15 Five Seasons – Sweet Secrets (Original Mix)
16 Guido’s Lounge Cafe – Kaleidoscope Of Colors Mix
by on
You just released your first Guido’s Lounge Café compilation. How long has your Radio Show been on air?
Officially over two & a half years, but everything actually started a lot earlier, under another setting & under another name. Some listeners may still remember the name ‘JazzMo’? It’s like the name says, it was more Jazzy, my first love in the music scene. I’m still mixing up Jazz in my mixes though, I just love that flavour.
How was the pre-production process?
My ideas where very much fixed already, I’d had the idea to do this in my head for a long time; I just was not sure when I wanted to start it. I wanted to be at a point in my life where I had the time to focus on this purely, just like my weekly radio shows. Also, I was taking some time & looking for people who could help me with promotion materials in various forms and also because if I was going to really start this ‘journey’, then I wanted to start it well. I found such help in a good friend of mine, Gert Jan AKA ‘GMLAB’.
Tell us a little bit about the artists included on this album. Do you personally know any of them?
I was very happy that I was already connected with artists such as Marie Therese, Marga Sol, Lemongrass, Jane Maximova, Pier O, Mia Lemar, Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller & others. They are artists whom I also view as friends, that’s what it’s all about for me in such collaborations. Such artists & others have supported me for many years so it was a great opportunity to give something back.
Was the album released through your website alone or through any record label?
No, I wanted to make it official by releasing it via a very suitable label such as ‘’. I had been looking for such a label for quite some time because I had the idea first so had been quietly looking for a way to accomplish it with the right collaboration. When I met Manue Dawar (label manager at Ecstasy Records) we connected right away. We’re both on the same wave-length and this is an important aspect for me. By the way, there are many good labels out there including BeatLounge Records , another premier name in the down-tempo space.
Which audience do you seek to reach with this compilation?
Good question. I don’t like labeling people, it’s easy to do. I would like the audience to be multi-cultural and of all ages. Why? Because that is what music is to me in a big way. By this I mean that music crosses both generations & cultures globally. The music on this compilation is much like my weekly radio shows & it is something I really wanted it to be. I would like the name & brand of “Guido’s Lounge Cafe” to represent relaxation and quality in the down-tempo genre & field.
Are you planning on releasing more volumes?
Yes we are. Manue and I talked about this at length so next I will be releasing a new compilation album at the beginning of December ‘14. That album will be named ‘The Magic of Snow’ so BeatLounge is now the first to know!
I’m working hard to get it finished in time as it’s not only the music itself, but the cover art, banners & promo video etc that also needs to be done. I’m pleased & lucky to have a friend like Gert Jan (aka GMLAB) who helps me with the visual aspects; he’s the best for such work!
“Kaleidoscope of Colours”, where did the name come from?
I knew the album would be released in approximately autumn & this time of year has always made me think about the colours of the leaves as well as the change in weather & season, it’s something I like a lot. For the Kaleidoscope, I remembered playing with such toys as a child & the colours I saw so, the choice was easily made.
Where you in charge of all the tracks selection for this album?
Yes I was. The choices were easily made, I just knew what I wanted & I was very lucky to have access to a huge catalogue of downtempo Ecstasy releases to choose from for these compilations & albums and where necessary, we simply had to get the licensing of tracks arranged. I’m pleased to tell you that all the artists involved were happy to be part of & included on this compilation. On a personal music-lover level; it was a joy working together with all of them on this project.
What were your expectations for this album and do you think you have accomplished them?
I can’t say that I don’t have good expectations for this album, but I like to stay relaxed. The album was created because I wanted to do something for the artists on this album, I wanted to give something back, and I truly hope that any buyers understand where I’m coming from with that statement. I realize that there are many compilations out there & so many to choose from so I just hope they choose ‘Kaleidoscope of Colours’ as it’s made with love & belief in the ability of all such artists included.
Any message for your audience at BeatLounge Radio?
BeatLounge Radio was the first big radio station who had faith in me and my shows, I’m very grateful for this. I wish all the listeners a beautiful relaxing time listening to BeatLounge Radio and stay tuned… Chilled and Relaxed,
Sincerely yours,
Guido van der Meulen
(Guido’s Lounge Cafe)
3 October 2014 BeatLounge Radio BL News Read more