Guestmixes and Radioshows

Before contacting us, please make sure you take a minute to go through our Guidelines:
Radioshows are hand-picked and added to our programming based on a number of factors. If you have a radioshow and you are interested in having it on BeatLounge, feel free to CONTACT US . Please send complete name, email, and link to your radioshow. We will get back to you ASAP, for yes or for no.
Guestmixes are hand-picked and added to our programming based on a number of factors. If you are interested in having one air on BeatLounge, feel free to CONTACT US . Please send complete name, email, and links to mixes similar to the one you’d like to create for us. We will get back to you ASAP, for yes or for no.
Have in mind that IF we decide to give you the chance to air a guestmix on our radio, it will have to comply with ALL of these requirements:
1 or 2 hour slots available. Mixes need to be edited by you to comply with this.
MP3. Any other format will not be accepted.
Guesmixes must be delivered with our generic VO’s included. Feel free to use them any way you want (cut, filter, etc). You can download them here.
In order for us to be able to comply with our broadcasting licenses, ALL mixes must be sent to us with the tracklist included, in the following format: Artist – Title – Mix (Album is optional)
At a minimum of 800 x 800 pixels, which will be used to create our promo flyer
Guestmixes are not be scheduled until we have all corresponding material (mix, photo) and can check for accuracy.
We suggest that you create a compressed pack (rar or winzip) upload it to any server of your choice (wetransfer, sendspace, dropbox, etc) and send us a download link to:
Guestmixes will be scheduled to broadcast from the BeatLounge Radio website, as well as all online directories where BeatLounge Radio can be found (iTunes, Windows Media Guide, TuneIn, Shoutcast, etc).
Air date shall be chosen at the discretion of BeatLounge Radio. Radioshows will NEVER be sold, or offered for Download or
On-Demand play on our website or any of our partner websites, without artist written consent.
BeatLounge Radio & Artist acknowledge and agree that guestmixes and occasional Interviews are not works for hire and that all
right, title and interest in and to the copyright and all other intellectual property rights relating to them shall be owned by the Artist, and are ment for promotional purposes only to BeatLounge.